游泳池工程、三溫暖池工程、水療SPA池工程、蒸氣室、烤箱室、給水水質淨化工程、水景工程、規劃設計、施工 Engineering parts: Swimming pool project, sauna pool project , The spa pool project, vapor room, oven room, water supply and water purification project , water scene project , design and construc

景觀水池 Landscape Pool (7)

地點:台中市-北區 Location: Taichung City - North

六段式過濾桶+加氯器Six-filtration tank + chlorinators

地點:台中市-南區 Location: Taichung City - Southern District

六段式過濾桶+加氯器 Six-filtration tank + chlorinators

地點:台中市-南區 Location: Taichung City - Southern District

六段式過濾桶+加氯器 Six-filtration tank + chlorinators

地點:台中市-南區 Location: Taichung City - Southern District

六段式過濾桶+加氯器 Six-filtration tank + chlorinators

地點:台中市-西區Location: Taichung City - West End

景觀水池 Landscape Pool (6)

地點:台中市-南屯區 Location: Taichung City - Nam Theun area

地點:台中市-南屯區 Location: Taichung City - Nam Theun area

過濾桶+鼓風機+散氣盤+氯錠 Filter barrel + blower + Diffuser + chlorine ingot

地點:台中市-南屯區 Location: Taichung City - Nam Theun area

地點:台中市-南屯區 Location: Taichung City - Nam Theun area

過濾桶+泵浦+加氯器 Filtration tank + pump + chlorinators

景觀水池 Landscape Pool (4)

地點:台中市-南區 Location: Taichung City - Southern District

氯錠+沈水式泵浦 Chlorine ingot + submersible pump

地點:台中市-北區 Location: Taichung City - North

過濾桶+泵浦 Filter barrel + pump



地點:台中市-北區 Location: Taichung City - North

過濾桶+泵浦+氯錠 Filter barrel + pump + chlorine ingot


景觀水池 Landscape Pool (3)

地點:台中市-西屯區 Location: Taichung City - Xitun District


地點:台中市-西屯區 Location: Taichung City - Xitun District


地點:台中市-北屯區  Location: Taichung City - Beitun District


地點:台中市-北區 Location: Taichung City - North District

地點:台中市-北屯區  Location: Taichung City - Beitun District


地點:台中市-北區 Location: Taichung City - North District

景觀水池 Landscape Pool (2)

地點:台中市-西屯區 Location: Taichung City - Xitun District

地點:台中市-西屯區 Location: Taichung City - Xitun District


地點:台中市-西屯區 Location: Taichung City - Xitun District


地點:台中市西屯區 Location: Taichung City - Xitun District


地點:台中市-西屯區 Location: Taichung City - Xitun District

景觀水池 Landscape pool (1)

地點:南部醫院廣場 Location: south of the hospital Square


Feast for the eyes of the fountain, visitors appreciate and enjoy a game of water dance show.


If the little room space, the Six-operating filter barrel, easy installation and construction..


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